Request Free License
Want a FREE FULL LICENSE of CamMask Pro? If you are a webmaster, blogger or Internet columnist, write 1 review of CamMask now on your own website, blog space or column, and then you qualify for a Free License. Whereas if you are not, add that number to 10, you can earn yourself this bonus for free, too.
General requirements of the review:
To win your free license you need to post a review of CamMask on how you use it, what is good or bad about it. The review must be more than 400 words and written by yourself. And a link to CamMask home page should be included. Copy in any form from our site or other sites is unacceptable.
For any webmaster, blogger or Internet columnist, please:
Once you posted the review of CamMask on your space, please fill out the form below, And you'll get the Free License right away!
For people who haven't got a website or blog:
Write a review of CamMask (see General requirements of the review mentioned above), post it on no less than 10 public forums or communities and please fill out the form below including those links send us. We will send you a Free License within 10 business days after verification.