Using the CamMask Date& Time Panel adding date and time in webcam video pictures

Click "Date & Time" button in effect categories, CamMask will show the Date& Time Panel.

Date Time Panel
You can drag the date and time in video preview window to the place you like.

  • Font box lists all the fonts the user has been installed, the font preview is available.
  • Size box is used to adjust the size of the letters.
  • Color box can change the color of Date and Time.
  • The users can set the Bold, italic and underline pattern.
  • Background check box is used for users to decide whether she/he needs add background for date and time, the color of this background is optional.
  • Date Format, Time Format decide the format of the date and time, such as, 2013/05/01, 14:30:20.
    Date Format Output
    DD/MM/YY 01/05/13
    MM/DD/YY 05/01/13
    YY/MM/DD 13/05/01
    DD/MM/YYY 01/05/2024
    YYYY/MM/DD 2024/05/01
    Time Format Output
    24 Hours 14:30:20
    12 Hours 02:30:20 PM